Catalogues – Australian Pipeline Valve & family of brands
“Australian Pipeline Valve produces isolation, control and flow reversal protection products for severe and critical service media in utility, steam, pipelines, oil and gas and process industries. Australian Pipeline Valve valves and pipeline products form the most complete portfolio in the market.”
Since 1989 thousands of customers in the oil & gas, mining, petrochemical and power industries have been using Australian Pipeline Valve (APV) products. Australian Pipeline Valve exports to over 20 countries as well as supplying throughout Australasia. The strength of Australian Pipeline Valve is being able to supply quality products in very short lead times.
APV valves and pipeline products are manufactured in a wide variety of sizes, materials and pressures in a large range of manufacturing standards to meet the critical service requirements required by modern pipelines, plants and oilfields. APV manufactures valves and other components to standards such as ANSI, ASME, API, ISO, EN, AS, BS.
Australian Pipeline Valve manufactures a comprehensive range of API, ASME and BS standard valves such as check, gate, globe and firesafe certified plug and ball valves for petrochemical, mining, oil & gas, process and industrial markets in the Australian Pipeline Valve brand. Australian Pipeline Valve also manufactures oilfield wellheads and specialty oilfield valves.
The Australian Pipeline Valve family also includes a fleet of trusted, established, brands which cover a wide range of valve types and pipeline components for all industries. These are sold worldwide through our distribution network. These brands include: Flowturn®, Steamco®, Superseal®, Supercheck®, Twin-lok®, Torqturn®, Uniflo® and Diamond Gear®.
Global Supply Line are worldwide sales and marketing agents for Australian Pipeline Valve. We hold over $18 million of APV valves, strainers, sight glasses and oilfield products in inventory. Global Supply Line sell direct to selected end users but also through our network of resellers throughout Australasia and worldwide. A major percentage of our sales are conducted through resellers who we sell to at wholesale prices. The Australian Pipeline Valve brand is approved by numerous end users and their subsidiaries as well as EPC’s and merchants worldwide. Australian Pipeline Valve is an internationally recognised supplier and manufacturer of quality valves and pipeline products.
Australian Pipeline Valve valves are in service around the world in onshore oil & gas, pipelines, mining, water treatment plants, refineries, power generation and process industries.
GSL holds $20 million of APV and family of brands valves and products in stock. Click here for our full stock listing.
Ball Valves – Floating & Trunnion Mounted
Ball Valves Floating Small Bore
Ball Valves Special Service
Gate,Globe & Check Valves – Forged Steel
Gate, Globe & Check Valves – Cast Steel Short Version
Gate, Globe & Check Valves – Cast Steel Complete version
Plug Valves – Lubricated, Sleeved & Lined
Oilfield Products Valves & Wellheads
Geothermal Valves
Cast Gate Globe & Check Valves – Overview Version
Catalogues – APV family of brands



- API 600 Trim Number Chart ASME Gate, Globe & Check Valves
- API6A Material Service Categories & Rating Levels
- Applicable Standards Ball & Plug Valves
- ASTM Bolting Material Specifications
- ASTM Valve Body & Bolting Temperature Ratings
- Ball Valves Material Specifications
- Common Valve Materials – Advantages Applications & Suitability
- Cross Reference ASTM/ASME Materials – Equivalent Cast & Forged Valves,
Pipe, Flanges & Fittings - CV Flow Rate Calculations for Valve Sizing
- Double Block & Bleed Twin Ball Valves
- Enviroseal M600 Fugitive Emission Graphite Stem Packing
- Oilfield Terminology Glossary of Terms
- Gate, Globe & Check Valves – Pressure Seal Bonnet
- Gate, Globe & Check Valves – Selection/ Application
- Primary Valve Standards
- Valve Body (Forged) and Trim Material Chemical Composition & Mechanical Properties
- Valve Body and Trim Material Types & Equivalents
- Valve Body Materials Pressure/Temperature Ratings ASME B16.34
- Valve Body Materials Types & Pressure/Temperature Ratings
- Valve Materials and Service Applications
- Valve Performance Features – Applications & Suitability
- Valve Selection & Design Criteria – Pressure/Temperature ASME B16.34
- Valve Service Material Corrosion Compatibility Chart – 1 & 2
- Valve Standards ISO/API/ASME Cross Reference and Summary
- Examples of Standard Material Certification
Examples of Standard Drawings
- APV API6A Valves & Chokes
- APV ASME API Ball & Plug Valves
- APV ASME API Gate, Globe & Check Valves
- Flowturn Sight Glasses/Strainers/Needle Valves/3 Way Ball
- Flowturn Uniflo Iron Gate, Globe, Swing Check & Diaphragm Valves
- Steamco Steam Valves
- Supercheck Wafer Check Valves
- Superseal Butterfly Valves HP & Lined
- Torqturn/ Diamond Gear Actuators & Gearboxes
Australia Pipeline Valve®, Diamond Gear®, Flowturn®, Steamco®, Supercheck®, Superseal®, Torqturn®, Twin-lok® and Uniflo® are Australian registered trademarks and trade names owned by Australian Pipeline Valve and are copyright protected. APV’ is not the company name or the brand name of Australian Pipeline Valve. Wherever ‘APV’ is used in this website or elsewhere it is used only as a grammatical abbreviation for Australian Pipeline Valve. As is customary, at the start of this website and at the start of each publication, Australian Pipeline Valve is first written in full and then followed by (APV) in brackets to indicate that anywhere after this point, ‘APV’ where used is a grammatical abbreviation only. Australian Pipeline Valve does not trade as ‘APV’.