Size DN850



Class/Table Flange O.D. PCD Bolts Bolt Size Hole Size Minimum Flange Thickness*
Cast Iron Copper Alloy Ductile Iron Steel
ASME 150 B16.47 Series A Supersedes MSS-SP44 1111.3mm 1028.7mm 32 1 1/2″ 41.1mm 82.6mm
ASME 300 B16.47 Series A Supersedes MSS-SP44 1206.6mm 1104.9mm 28 1 7/8″ 50.8mm 101.7mm WN
104.7mm BL
ASME Class 600 B16.47 Series A Supersedes MSS-SP44 1244.7mm 1130.3mm 28 2 1/4″ 60.4mm 120.7mm WN
154mm BL
ASME Class 900 B16.47 Series A Supersedes MSS-SP44 1397.1mm 1225.5mm 20 3 1/2″ 91.9mm 165.2mm WN
204.8mm BL
ASME 150 B16.47 Series B Supersedes API-605 1004.9mm 957.3mm 40 15/16″ 25.4mm 49.3mm WN
57.2mm BL
ASME 300 B16.47 Series B Supersedes API-605 1108mm 1037.1mm 36 1 1/2″ 41.1mm 103.2mm WN & BL
ASME Class 600 B16.47 Series B Supersedes API-605 1162.1mm 1054.1mm 24 2 1/4″ 60.4mm 141.3mm WN
144.3mm BL
ASME Class 900 B16.47 Series B Supersedes API-605 1314.5mm 1055.7mm 20 3 1/4″ 85.8mm 171.5mm WN
195.1mm BL
BS3293 Class 150 1111.3mm 1028.7mm 32 1 1/2″ 41.2mm 58.8mm
AS129① Table D (FF) ② 1090mm 1016mm 20 M33 36mm 41mm 41mm 44mm
AS129① Table E (FF) ② 1090mm 1016mm 20 M33 36mm 51mm 51mm 57mm
AS4087① PN14 (FF) N/A
AS4087① PN16 (RF) ③ N/A

AS2129 still in use but now only covers Table D to H. Table C now obsolete, Table J to T now replaced by AS4331.1 which is a replication of ISO7005-1 which in turn is equivalent to ASME 150-2500 class ANSI B16.5. AS4331.1 and ISO 7005-1 also incorporates previous DIN PN rated flanging. AS4087 is the new standard covering Table D to H. The same drilling is specified but the PN rating system is used (PN14 to PN35) and in some cases flange thickness varies slightly. AS4087 PN14 & PN16 are the same drilling as AS2129 Table D. AS4087 PN21 is the same drilling and rating as AS2129 Table F. AS4087 PN14 & PN16 is the same drilling as AS2129 Table D. AS4087 PN21 is the same rating and drilling as AS2129 Table F and PN35 is the same drilling as Table H. AS4087 specifies raised face in Ductile Iron.

Can be RF in lieu as per AS2129. If RF, then flange thickness is the same but includes RF.

DI RF, steel RF or FF (flange thickness shown includes RF).

WN= Weld Neck
BL= Blind

* Varies according to flange type (thickness usually includes raised face height where applicable) refer to standard. Some standards publish integral flange thicknesses used for valves which are often different than blind or welding flange thicknesses hence refer to standard for clarification. Refer links to flange standards in the technical screen of our website.

This above table is a rough ready reckoner only to understand standards, differences & commonality and to assess interchangeability. Refer to the standard required itself before manufacture. Some standards publish integral flange thicknesses used for valves which are often different than blind or welding flange thicknesses hence refer to standard for clarification.
