We keep large stocks of gate valves in equivalent styles to the following models: Demco®* ‘DM’ style mud gates, expanding/slab gate valves in WKM®* style (M type) and Cameron®* style (FC type), in LP screwed (NPT), flanged and buttweld ends up to 7 1/16″ in API 2000 to 10,000 in standard and H2S/NACE service, trim BB to EE, API6A licensed brands. Parts are fully interchangeable. We stock and supply Safety Shutdown (SSV) actuated valves with pneumatic and hydraulic actuators. We can also supply geothermal gate valves.
Also ask about our 4 1/16” 8RD/EUE light weight mud gate valves for wellhead cracking service and manifolds for gas and coal bed methane service. These valves last 5 to 10 times longer than
normal mud gate valves.
The DM, M and FC Gate Valves are proven designs that have been standard in the oil industry for more than forty years. Because of our commitment to quality and the reliability of these standard designs, these valves can be maintained anywhere in the world, even in the most remote locations, without having to procure hard to find parts.