Updated API Trim Chart & Applications
August 23rd, 2017 by Amanda Schumann

The API600 trim chart specifications are designed for API600 gate valves. For API603 gate valves as well as globe valves and check valves, the same trim numbers are more loosely applied (Trim Chart not referenced in latest API603 Standard). Obviously, in regard to globe and check valve, the hardness differentials shown on the disc and seat are specified for gate valves subject to more wear, gauling, sticking etc., and not as relevant. Also, globe and check valves are often specified to BS (now ISO) specifications. API 623 for globe valves and API594 for swing check valves is now used in lieu of obsolete BS 1868 and BS 1873
On the new chart you will see numerous changes. For instance, even though API no longer references Trim# 2 for API603 gate, globe & check, (and in some commodity API600 gate valves in lower classes and under 300NB) it is still manufactured as it is specified by clients.
For API600 Trim chart and other technical references, click here.