Posts Tagged ‘Ball’
The American Petroleum Institute API 6D Standard – Double-Block-and-Bleed Ball Valves
May 21st, 2024 by Amanda Schumann

API 6D details three double block categories: DBB (double-block-and-bleed), DIB-1 (Double-isolation-and-bleed type 1), and DIB-2 (Double-isolation-and-bleed type 2). Trunnion Mounted Ball Valve Seat Designs Trunnion mounted API 6D ball valves have 2 seats that (one upstream, one downstream) can have a single (SPE) or double piston effect (DPE) seats. Single Piston Effect (PSE) Spring loaded […]
Self Relieving vs Double Piston Effect Seals on Ball Valves
December 20th, 2017 by Amanda Schumann

API6D trunnion mounted ball valves with single piston effect seats (SPE) are designed to automatically release cavity over-pressure into the pipeline automatically using “self relieving seats”. Since body cavity and pipeline are isolated in the fully open and fully closed position, pressure trapped in the body cavity may be different than pressure in the line. […]
Starline Welded Ball Valves for Gas Storage
December 13th, 2017 by Amanda Schumann

One piece seal welded body, floating ball double block. Primary seal METAL, to METAL, secondary seal vulcanized specially hardened Viton or NBR, pressure safe cover for the stem to prevent any leakage. For operation remove the cover. Completely in accordance to spec. KN251-005. Specifically designed as shut off drain and vent lines for larges valve […]
Large Trunnion Ball Valve History
July 13th, 2017 by Amanda Schumann

Early last century there was Cameron (USA) (which the Russian’s copied!) and then WKM (USA), then along came Grove (USA), in Japan along came Kitz, then KTM and IKS (WKM under license). In Europe there was Borsig (Germany) and TK (Scotland), not long after in the early 70’s came BC Richards Australia (who also made […]
Consider ENP Trim Ball Valve where 316 trim is specified
May 10th, 2017 by Amanda Schumann

In floating ball valves 316 (CF8M ball) trim is the standard because under 150mm there is only a minimal cost advantage using ENP trim in 150/300 class as the ball wall thickness is not large and the balls are mass produced keeping the costs down. However, in the trunnion mounted arena 316 trim is utilised […]
Another shipment of APV firesafe, (stainless steel) floating ball valves received in
January 9th, 2017 by Amanda Schumann

Another top up shipment of high quality, investment cast, APV firesafe certified floating ball valves has been received in. ‘Full Stainless Steel’ means full stainless steel lock device, mount pad, hand lever and bolting not just body. True ANSI B16 wall thickness. Heavy duty rugged T bar and pole lever, not light duty lever. Fully […]
April 19th, 2016 by Amanda Schumann

Another shipment of Starline floating and trunnion valves and Air Torque actuators has arrived. Global Supply Line Adelaide stocks valves, a variety of seats & seals, genuine Starline stainless steel integral high and low temperature extended stems, and genuine Air Torque high tensile stainless steel brackets and adaptors. In addition, we have in-house Starline & […]