A Technical guide to Valve Seat seal materials and service types

Stock holding highlight on Vertical Shaft Drive Worm Gearboxes for Valves

Information on severe service and dirty service on quarter turn ball valves

Information about overseas valve dealers

Product highlight on APV BVF100-QF Trunnion Ball Valves

Technical information on Valve materials Service chemical resistance and corrosion suitability guide

Information on how to improve the total cost of ownership with valves


May 2nd, 2018 by Amanda Schumann

Information regarding Sealant Injection facilities on Trunnion Mounted Ball Valves

APV-Flowturn Sight Glasses and Flow Indicators stock available

A technical guide on ANSI B16 Valve face to face dimensions


April 4th, 2018 by Amanda Schumann

A Technical guide to Fugitive Emissions

Product highlight on the back seating of API 600 Wedge Gate Valves

Technical and Stock range information about CVS products

A Technical Guide to Double Block and Bleed Valves

A Technical Guide to Torqturn Compact Quad Rack and Pinion Actuators

Information on SLFSBV01 Floating Ball Valves

A Technical guide to valve test standards

Information on Seating systems for abrasive & dirty service

API6D trunnion mounted ball valves with single piston effect seats (SPE) are designed to automatically release cavity over-pressure into the pipeline automatically using “self relieving seats”. Since body cavity and pipeline are isolated in the fully open and fully closed position, pressure trapped in the body cavity may be different than pressure in the line. […]

One piece seal welded body, floating ball double block. Primary seal METAL, to METAL, secondary seal vulcanized specially hardened Viton or NBR, pressure safe cover for the stem to prevent any leakage. For operation remove the cover. Completely in accordance to spec. KN251-005. Specifically designed as shut off drain and vent lines for larges valve […]
